
What is the Mexican Carrier (MX) Number? How to get it?

What is the Mexican Carrier (MX) Number? How to get it?

MX Number is assigned by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to Mexico Domiciled carriers who want to operate within the United States and across the United States/Mexico international border commercial zones.  In addition to the MX Number,...

What is Freight Broker Authority? How to get it.

What is Freight Broker Authority? How to get it.

Freight Broker Authority The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) grants an Individual, Partnership, or Corporation the authorization to arrange the transportation of goods to others by using a legal Motor Carrier (MC) number, known as Freight Broker...

What is DOT Compliance? Its regulations & requirements.

What is DOT Compliance? Its regulations & requirements.

DOT compliance is a standard set by the U.S Department of Transportation for maintaining the safety and security of the country’s transportation system so that drivers, the general public, and workers are safe. Now to check whether the DOT Compliance rules and...

How To Get A Freight Forwarder License Easily?

How To Get A Freight Forwarder License Easily?

Before we understand the process to be followed to get a freight forwarder authority/license, let’s know what a freight forwarder authority is and how important it is for you as a freight forwarder. What Is Freight Forwarder Authority? If you are a person or firm that...

10 FMCSA Broker Authority Requirements You Must Know About

10 FMCSA Broker Authority Requirements You Must Know About

What Is Freight Broker Authority? A freight broker can be understood as a middleman working between shippers and carriers. This entity is not responsible for taking the physical possession of the freight but only for enabling communication between the shipper and the...

9 Critical Things You Should Know About HVUT Filing

9 Critical Things You Should Know About HVUT Filing

The HVUT is your heavy vehicle use tax. It is Form 2290 that you have to file by August 31st every year. If you have a registered motor vehicle that has a gross weight either equal to or more than 55,000 LBS, and if you operate the same on any US public highways, it...

Key Requirements for HAZMAT Transportation Employees

Key Requirements for HAZMAT Transportation Employees

When it comes to understanding the various regulations regarding hazmat materials transportation, you can never ignore the directives laid down by governing bodies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and Pipeline...