
August 11, 2021

Received DOT Compliance Group Letters For Biennial Update? Avoid Common Misconceptions

Every trucking company and business under the authority of FMCSA has to update their information every two years. It doesn’t matter whether there are any changes in your business or not, you have to file the Biennial update MCS-150 form every two years. Some of the things you need to update include your business name and location, number of fleets of trucks, operational information, number of drivers, and so on.

As an employer or owner-operator in the trucking industry, you must comply with these policies to keep your business going. Failure to do so could invalidate your USDOT number and might lead to penalties up to $10,000.

To file the MCS 150 form, you can either do it online directly from FMCSA’s website or download the form online, fill it and send it via email or fax. The process of filing the MCS 150 form looks pretty simple on paper but could be stressful and frustrating when executing the process. If not done correctly or you make a slight error, the form would be rejected.

Now, to make things easier for trucking companies, DOT Compliance Group is committed to offering professional services to trucking companies to stay compliant with all the rules and regulations of FMCSA. We charge a small fee to help businesses handle any compliance issues.

Unfortunately, some businesses and people still don’t understand our services.  If you received letters for Biennial Update from DOT Compliance Group, below are 4 misconceptions to avoid.

4 Misconceptions To Avoid About Dot Compliance Group Letters For Biennial Update

Misconception #1: DOT Compliance Group is not legitimate

If you have ever thought that DOT Compliance Group is not legitimate, then you are wrong. We have been operating for some years as a third-party consortium legally approved by FMCSA. As the reputable company that we are, we ensure that all our operations are within the vicinity of USDOT and FMCSA. We are a registered company in the US and our services span all over the United States. If you are in doubt of anything about DOT Compliance Group, you can contact the relevant authorities to find out more about our company. So, there is nothing illegal about DOT Compliance Group and our major commitment is helping businesses in the trucking industry to stay compliant.

Misconception #2: Filing for MCS 150 is free and DOT Compliance Group is charging for it

DOT Compliance Group has always stated that doing the biennial update is free if you can do it yourself. We are not charging you for filing the MCS 150 form, instead, we charge a small fee to help you handle the filing process. We have been in the trucking industry for quite some time and understand how demanding the trucking business could be. For this reason, we decided to help companies handle any compliance issues so that their focus will be on how to grow their businesses.

Even though filing the MCS 150 form is free, most people still struggle to go through the processes themselves. In most cases, it leaves some people frustrated because your form would be rejected if you make any slight error on the form. However, with our team of professionals, we handle the biennial update and other compliance issues for a little fee. So, DOT Compliant Group is only charging you a small fee to help you handle the processes involved in filing the MCS 150 form. If you can do it yourself, it is free. However, if you want to avoid any frustration that comes with the filing or you are too busy to file for the update, this is where DOT Compliance Group comes into play.

Misconception #3: DOT Compliance Group Issues Threat To People

Another misconception is that some people see our letters as a threat. Our letters are far from being threats. Instead, we are trying to create awareness and save businesses from unnecessary fines and penalties. Failure to do the biennial update can invalidate your USDOT number and cause you penalties of up to $10,000. We take it upon ourselves to protect trucking companies from paying these hefty fines and penalties.

It doesn’t matter whether you make any changes to your business, you have to file the MCS 150 form every other year. While some companies have failed to do so for years without any problems, for now, it is better to stay compliant and avoid any disruption in your business in the future. This is the major reason why we send out letters. The letters are just to create awareness and act as reminders of your pending registration.

Misconception #4: DOT Compliance Group Has No Website To Verify Its Information

As stated earlier, DOT Compliance Group is a legit business entity that is recognized by relevant authorities in the US. We have an official website where you can check our services and anything you need to verify. You can also find our email address and phone numbers in case you need to reach us to clear any doubts.

Our website is fully functional and we operate 24/7. Apart from the biennial update, we also handle things like the drug & alcohol testing consortium, Unified Carrier Registration (UCR), and drug & alcohol supervisor training. We have been helping several companies stay compliant for years now and how services are exceptional. You can go through our website to learn more about our services or give us a call if need be.


DOT Compliance Group is a legal company that is recognized by the relevant authorities in the US. Our major service is to take the burden off companies in the trucking industry by helping them to stay compliant.

Few FMCSA compliance policies are free of charge and done by the company. However, most people face challenges and rejection when they file the forms themselves. To make things easy for companies, we help companies file these forms for a small fee.

DOT Compliance Group letters for the biennial update are never meant to be seen as a threat. We are only trying to keep you compliant and create the necessary awareness.


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