Drug Free Workplace

Key Elements

While employers are required to conduct substance screens for employees covered by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), a large number also have implemented Drug-Free Workplace Program (DFWP) that cover all non-USDOT regulated personnel.

A written policy
Employee training and refreshers
Supervisor training
Employee support
Substance screening

Drug-Free Workplace Programs

Custom DFWPs have been shown to improve performance in several areas of an organization. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reports that employers who implement and maintain these programs:

Experience improvements in morale and productivity among the workforce;

Have seen decreases in absenteeism, workplace incidents and injuries, downtime, turnover and theft;

Create stronger relationships with clients, customers and the general public; and

May qualify for incentives from liability insurance carriers and worker compensation providers.

Program Development

We assist companies with program development and training materials and find the best location(s) to do substance screening. Our experienced consultants will work with you to create a DFWP that works for your environment, focusing on how it best benefits your employees. We will randomize your roster based on the interval you determine and provide the required chain of custody forms and the list of employees to be tested. The program works well when it is made specifically for you.

Types of Tests



performed prior to official hiring. Employers can use this as a condition of employment.



performed after an incident. This may be required by Worker’s Compensation agencies or clients and may provide insight into contributing factors of the incident.



performed at intervals determined by the company. The entire employee roster is randomized, and a pre-determined percentage of employees are tested at these intervals. This is outside the DOT random process and may be required by clients or government agencies.


Reasonable Suspicion

on-demand tests that are conducted when a TRAINED supervisor has reason to believe an employee may be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

Know More

Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

Companies receiving contracts of $100,000 or more from the federal government or any organization receiving a federal grant of any size are required to comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. This law requires:

The company has a written policy that explains what is prohibited and outlines consequences for policy violation.
Employees read and consent to the policy as a condition of employment while working on the federally funded project.
The company implements and communicates an awareness program that educates employees about the following: alcohol and other drugs of abuse and addiction; the company’s written policy; and available help, including counseling or additional assistance.
Employees to disclose to the company any conviction for a drug-related offense (in the workplace) within five (5) days of the conviction.
The company must disclose any conviction for a drug-related offense (in the workplace) to the contracting federal agency within ten days of receiving notice from the convicted employee.
The company must make an ongoing effort to maintain a drug-free workplace.


My company is not involved in contract work with the federal government. I do not have a federal grant, so why would I implement a drug-free workplace program if I am not required to?
Your company will enjoy the same benefits that other mandated companies enjoy, such as improved productivity, decreased absenteeism, theft, etc. Another benefit you may qualify for is incentives from your liability insurance carrier and workers’ compensation.
Do you need to know what State my business is in before helping me set up a drug-free workplace program?
Yes, because the State and local laws, as well as State workers’ compensation laws and State unemployment insurance laws regarding workplace drug testing, vary from State to State, it is essential to know what State you conduct your business from.
If my company is in a State that has legalized recreational or medical marijuana use, can I still implement a drug-free workplace program?
Absolutely! Currently, there are no States that entirely prohibit an employer from drug testing employees; however, some states have certain restrictions that must be followed to comply with State laws. That is why it is so important to reach out to an employment attorney, or you can contact DOT Compliance Group and speak with one of our specialists to assist you in how best to proceed.
As an employer, if cannabis is legal in my state, can I include marijuana testing in my DFWP policy?
In cases where your state has legalized the medical or recreational use of marijuana, it is essential to check your local and state laws regarding this and State workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance regulations. If you have further questions, you may contact DOT Compliance Group and speak with a specialist who will assist you.
What does DOT Compliance Group offer if I sign up for your DFWP?
By enrolling in our workplace drug testing program, you will receive:

  • Customer service from 8 am – 7 pm CST Monday-Friday.
  • You can enroll in our large pool for testing or your own company pool for testing.
  • Thousands of testing locations.
  • Medical Review Officer (MRO) services.
  • Thousands of testing locations.
  • If you do not have a company policy, you may purchase a generic or customized policy from us.
  • of enrollment, drug test results, and more.