Clearinghouse Enrollment

– Your Next Steps



FMCSA portal review


Add/check FMCSA user roles


Set up Clearinghouse portal


Complete consent forms and add drivers

Clearinghouse Enrollment Process Simplified

Simplify Enrolling: Follow our easy step-by-step guide and watch informative videos to make enrollment a breeze, but according to FMCSA regulations you must do more than just purchase Clearinghouse. You must have an FMCSA portal set up. The following will show you step-by-step on how to complete the Clearinghouse process and setting up your portals.

Essential Items:

  • If you do not have access or an FMCSA portal login, you must start here.
  • If it is set up please proceed to step 1.


Your pin number will be mailed to you within 4 to 10 business days. Once you’ve received it, return to this page to effortlessly continue with the process by going to Step 1.

How to Set Up FMCSA Portal or Retrieve Login Credentials.

FMCSA Portal must already be set up.

If it is set up:

  • you will need your FMCSA Portal Login credentials to proceed.
  • If you cannot locate your login credentials you can go to the following link and click on “Forgot your password?”
  • Once you have your login credentials go to Step 1.

If it is not set up:

  • you will need your FMCSA Pin# to set it up.
  • If you have your FMCSA Pin#, skip down to “Step 1” and watch the video on setting up your FMCSA Portal.
  • If you don’t have or know your Pin#, watch the following video on “How to Retrieve or Obtain Your FMCSA Pin: A Simple Step-by-Step Walk-through”

Need more step-by-step assistance with a specialist?

We can sit with you virtually to show you where to click and what to do for an additional fee.

Step 1:

Setting Up Your FMCSA Portal

This video will walk you through creating your account and setting up your FMCSA Portal account. Watch now to get started!

Step 2:

Adding/Checking Your FMCSA Portal User Roles

This step will guide you through adding the required user roles. If you already have your FMCSA Portal set up, take a moment to watch this video to ensure you have the correct user roles assigned.

Step 3:

Setting Up Your FMCSA Clearinghouse Portal

Let’s set up your Clearinghouse account and connect it to your FMCSA Portal. We’ll also designate DOT Compliance Group as your C/TPA and purchase queries based on the number of drivers in your operation.

Step 4:

Final Steps – Consent Forms & Adding Drivers

This video will guide you through logging into your DOT Compliance Group Portal, locating your consent form, and adding driver information to your Clearinghouse Drivers List.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a full query and a limited query?

A full query is run when a driver has been with the company less than 30 days or if they are a prospective employee. A limited query is run once a year if a driver has been with the company for more than 30 days.

What is Clearinghouse vs. FMCSA?

  • The FMCSA Portal allows individuals to request a FMCSA Portal account, as well as make modifications to these requests. Motor carriers use the FMCSA Portal to access crash, inspection, reviews, and census information contained on them in various FMCSA IT systems through a single interface.
  • Clearinghouse is a secure online database that gives employers, the FMCSA, State Driver Licensing Agencies (SDLAs), and State law enforcement personnel real-time information about commercial driver’s license (CDL) and commercial learner’s permit (CLP) holders’ drug and alcohol program violations.

If I paid you, why am I doing all the legwork?

The FMCSA and Clearinghouse are government websites and legally we aren’t allowed to register for you. Our role doesn’t come into play until you have designated us as your C/TPA and granted us permission to conduct queries, report violations.

What is a query?

A query is an electronic check in the Clearinghouse, conducted by an employer or their designated C/TPA, to determine if current or prospective employees are prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions, such as operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), due to unresolved drug and alcohol program violations.

How often do I have to register for Clearinghouse?

Clearinghouse registration once, queries annually, violations and reporting’s when necessary.

Why do I need Clearinghouse?

On January 6, 2020, the FMCSA launched the FMCSA Clearinghouse, an online database where CDL driver drug and alcohol testing violations and return-to-duty information will be stored and searched.