
Take DOT Compliance Group Letters as Important Reminders

Take DOT Compliance Group Letters as Important Reminders

At DOT Compliance Group, we take pleasure in making sure that all our clients stay up to date with the USDOT rules and regulations. Our reminder letters and awareness messages have saved dozens of companies in the transportation industry from being penalized by FMCSA....

How To Avoid DOT SCAM: Tips From DOT Compliance Group

How To Avoid DOT SCAM: Tips From DOT Compliance Group

Internet scam is something that has come to stay, and unfortunately, there is little we can do to put an absolute end to it. Of the different scams online, our major interest in this article will be about DOT scams. Recently, we noticed some unscrupulous elements...

How To Avoid DOT Scam, Let DOT Compliance Group Help You

How To Avoid DOT Scam, Let DOT Compliance Group Help You

It is very easy to avoid any DOT-related scams and prevent any illegitimate companies from extracting undue amounts of money from you. DOT Compliance Group can help you fight off any such false marketing gimmicks and impersonators so that you can stay updated with...

Received A Letter From DOT Compliance Group? What Next?

Received A Letter From DOT Compliance Group? What Next?

It is not at all puzzling to find out that you have been getting letters from DOT Compliance Group regarding your compliance requirements with the Department Of Transportation and the penalties that you might face if you do not follow the instructions given in that...

DOT Compliance Group – No Scope For Complaints

DOT Compliance Group – No Scope For Complaints

What matters to us the most is that we are able to deliver on our promise. DOT Compliance Group aim to keep you and your business 100% compliant with regards to the rules and regulations laid down by the Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier...

Is DOT Compliance Group Legit? Things You Should Know

Is DOT Compliance Group Legit? Things You Should Know

The DOT Compliance Group is a 100% legitimate company that came into existence for the purpose of helping out the trucking industry and the transportation sector as a whole. Founded by a group of skilled and experienced DOT compliance and IT experts, this company...

People at Risk for Serious Illness from COVID-19

If you are at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19, you should: Stock up on supplies.Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others.When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact...